Citing “the risk of further incitement of violence,” Twitter has permanently suspended President Donald Trump’s account, @realDonaldTrump.

The move comes two days after pro-Trump supporters pushed past barricades and forced their way into the US Capitol building to disrupt the counting of Electoral College votes.

Trump has disputed the results of the election, which he lost to Democratic challenger Joe Biden, and repeatedly asserted victory. Pr0minent politicians from both sides of the aisle have publicly mulled impeaching the president or invoking the 25th Amendment to remove him from office.

Twitter is a centralized social media platform, though its CEO, Jack Dorsey, is a strong proponent of Bitcoin and has sought to decentralize elements of the social media platform in the past.

Facebook and Twitter have come under scrutiny for enabling President Trump to spread misinformation, although Twitter has flagged multiple tweets from the president since the November election in a bid to limit their spread.

Dlive, a decentralized video-streaming platform owned by cryptocurrency platform Tron, has also been criticized for allowing rioters in DC to profit off their shared videos. It’s responded by suspending or deleting accounts at odds with its terms of service.

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